- July 2020 Dr. Francesca Freyria is Guest Editor of Special Issue of Catalysts
“New Advances in Solar-Driven Reactions for Green Energy Production” (open acces MDPI/AG journal, 2020 IF 3.52) We are accepting manuscripts!
- September 2020 Our article “Effects of the Brookite Phase on the Properties of Different Nanostructured TiO2 Phases Photocatalytically Active Towards the Degradation of N‐Phenylurea“ came out!
- June 2020 We are co-editors of this new book: NANOMATERIALS FOR THE DETECTION AND REMOVAL OF WASTEWATER POLLUTANTS, which is published by Elsevier as part of the well-established Micro- and Nanotechnologies series. The aim of the book is to focus on diverse aspects concerning the possible role (not necessary the need) of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in improving both detection and removal of inorganic and organic/biologic and “emerging” contaminants from wastewater originating from both municipal and industrial plants.
- June 2019 Our article “Simulated Moon Agglutinates Obtained from Zeolite Precursor by Means of a Low-Cost and Scalable Synthesis Method” came out on ACS Earth Space and Chemistry
- October 2018: Prof. Barbara Bonelli is now Guest Editor of Special Issue of Molecules- New Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
(open acces MDPI/AG journal, 2018 IF 3.098).
Contributions are welcome, deadline 30th June 2019
- September 2018: Prof. Barbara Bonelli is now editor of Molecules- Section Photochemistry (open acces MDPI/AG journal, 2018 IF 3.098)
- You are cordially invited to send papers for publication in the “Photocatalysts for Organics Degradation” special issue of Catalysts (an open access MDPI/AG journal,2018 I.F. = 3.465) by May 31, 2018
- Follow our project: Innovative technologies for the abatement of
N-containing pollutants in water supported by Fondazione Cariplo
DEN project - How to synthesize Fe-doped imogolite nanotubes: watch our video